KUALA LUMPUR, March 31 (Bernama) -- The Agriculture industry has become the third major economic growth catalyst under the leadership of Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
Riding on the motto of "agriculture is business", the new approach has enable the agriculture produce to penetrate new markets abroad, recording an average increase of 13 per cent yearly from 2003 to July 2008.
"With the added value, the real value of the agriculture sector rose from RM33 billion in 2003 to RM40 billion in 2008," according to the Report on the Initiatives and Achievements of the Malaysian Government from Nov 2003 to March 2009, issued by the Prime Minister's Department here today.
Capitalising on modern technology including biotechnology and information and communication technology to increase quality yield, the agriculture sector has produced many budding entrepreneurs.
"A total of 7,258 agrobusiness entrepreneurs have emerged during the period while 996 existing ones registered an increase in earning with a minimum income of RM2,000 per month," it said.
The report said 45 permanent food parks covering 3,800ha have been developed involving 789 participants while 17,400ha have been planted with vegetables under contract farming by 10,600 participants.
Under the National Food Safety Policy, the government has increased food supply especially rice.
The Abdullah administration has empowered the industry by assisting the downstream companies to make breakthrough in the international market especially the European Union countries.
The government has also provided incentives to encourage investments in the Malaysian halal hubs by offering the pioneer status, tax holiday and investment duty allowances.
An integrated park for halal downstream products has also been set up.
The government had also developed the National Animal Embryo Centre two years ago to stock the farms of breeders in the country with high quality breeds of the Boer goat.
The Abdullah administration has launched the corridor development to correct the imbalance in the development by accommodating the agriculture sector.
They are the Iskandar Malaysia (2006-2025), the Northern Corridor Economic Region (2007-2025), the East Coast Economic Corridor (2007-2020), the Sabah Development Corridor (2008-2025) and the Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy (2008-2030).
31 March 2009
Agriculture Becomes 3rd Major Economic Growth Catalyst
30 March 2009
Program Siswazah Perantis PUNB bermula Mei 2009
KUALA LUMPUR 29 Mac - Perbadanan Usahawan Nasional Bhd. (PUNB) berharap dapat memulakan Program Siswazah Perantisnya pada bulan Mei dan menjelang akhir tahun, 2,000 perantis dapat mengikuti program mereka.
Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif, Datuk Nasir Ahmad berkata, pada waktu ini PUNB sedang memperkemaskan modul dan syarat program sebelum menawarkan kepada siswazah yang sedang menganggur.
''Kami menjangkakan pada pertengahan April, PUNB akan mula menemuduga calon-calon siswazah yang berminat untuk menyertai program ini dan pada bulan Mei, kami akan mula menghantar mereka menjalani latihan.
''Latihan tersebut akan dibahagi kepada dua tempoh antara enam bulan atau setahun mengikut kesesuaian program yang dipilih siswazah ini,'' katanya kepada Utusan Malaysia di pejabatnya baru-baru ini.
Tambah Nasir, PUNB akan mempelawa graduan yang tidak mempunyai pekerjaan tetap memohon untuk menerima latihan daripada syarikat-syarikat di bawah PUNB.
''Kami mempunyai 1,600 syarikat yang boleh menawarkan latihan kepada graduan ini. Mereka akan didedahkan dengan selok belok perniagaan dan pengurusan syarikat bagi mencerahkan peluang mereka memasuki pasaran kerja.
''Selain mendapat latihan yang disediakan, graduan berpeluang menerima elaun bulanan sepanjang program sehingga tamat mengikut syarat yang akan dijelaskan,'' katanya.
Program Siswazah Perantis PUNB, merupakan sebahagian daripada pakej rangsangan kedua yang dibentangkan pada 10 Mac lalu di bawah program siswazah sangkut.
Kerajaan telah memperuntukkan RM50 juta kepada PUNB untuk menyediakan latihan kepada siswazah menganggur yang ditawarkan sebanyak 2,000 tempat dalam usaha mengurangkan jumlah pengangguran negara.
Antara syarat utama bagi pemohon adalah bumiputera berumur tidak melebihi 30 tahun, mempunyai ijazah, diploma atau sijil kemahiran yang diiktiraf dan tidak mempunyai pekerjaan tetap.
Selain itu, keutamaan akan diberikan kepada mereka yang kurang mampu dan yang berminat untuk menjadi usahawan.
Katanya, sebahagian daripada proses latihan mereka yang telah mendapat tempat untuk mengikuti program ini akan dikumpulkan bagi mendapatkan latihan teori dalam tempoh dua hari.
''Kemudian setelah menerima latihan selama dua bulan di syarikat-syarikat PUNB, bagi mereka yang berminat untuk menjadi usahawan akan diberikan kursus percuma yang bersesuai dengan mereka.
''Selepas tamat tempoh program siswazah perantis, mereka yang ingin membuka perniagaan akan dibantu oleh PUNB. Manakala bagi yang tidak berminat untuk menjadi usahawan, kemungkinan besar mereka akan bekerja dengan syarikat pelatih adalah lebih cerah,'' jelasnya. Utusan Malaysia
DRT: Kita sudah lama dengar mengenai skim latihan oleh PUNB ini. Sejak dari tahun 90an lagi perkara ini telah dimulakan. Hasilnya tidak pula dihebahkan. Saya tidak lah sinis tapi saya rasa seorang usahawan tidak dapat dilahirkan melalui kursus selama dua bulan. Begitu juga seorang pengurus besar tidak boleh di lahirkan dengan menghadiri kursus dua bulan walaupun di Universiti2 Oxford atau Harvard.
Process menjadi usahawan ini mengambil masa. Perlu pengalaman. Samada berkerja di bank, syarikat eltronik, kilang, universiti, syarikat korporat atau pun bermula dari perniaga kecil. Seorang doktor contohnya yang ingin membuka klinik perlu berpengalaman dalam profesionnya untuk sekurang-kurangnya lima tahun dan tahu sebanyak sedikit mengenai pengurusan samada dari segi kewangan, pemasaran, perancangan dan sebagainya.
Janganlah projek PUNB ini seperti yang sudah-sudah sebagai melepaskan batuk ditangga. Wang peruntukan RM50 juta adalah amat besar sekali. Jangan mereka yang mengendalikan kursus-kursus ini saja yang akhirnya mengaut keuntungan. Peserta-peserta hanya hanya melalui prosesnya dan tidak ada apa-apa yang di pelajari.
27 March 2009
Collective Fight Against World Recession ?

Muhammad Taib terima kekalahan, janji bantu kukuhkan parti
Menteri Kemajuan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah itu berkata apa yang penting adalah untuk merapatkan barisan parti bagi menghadapi cabaran semasa dan mengembalikan sokongan rakyat kepada Umno.
"Dalam pertandingan ada menang dan kalah. Bagi saya tiada perasaan yang begitu mendalam, saya terima ini sebagai keputusan perwakilan. Umno kena jalan terus," katanya kepada pemberita selepas keputusan pemilihan parti diumumkan di Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra (PWTC), malam ini.
Muhyiddin, yang juga Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri, mendapat 1,575 undi menewaskan Muhammad, yang juga Ketua Penerangan Umno. Muhammad mendapat 916 undi. - Bernama
25 March 2009
Beri Saya Saf Padu - Najib

KUALA LUMPUR 24 Mac – Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak mahu barisan kepimpinan yang setia, berintegriti, berkebolehan dan berdedikasi untuk bersama-sama beliau meneruskan perjuangan UMNO sebagai pembela nasib rakyat.
Dalam ucapan yang ringkas tetapi sarat dengan pesanan dan peringatan, Timbalan Presiden UMNO itu juga mahu kepimpinan beliau sebagai Presiden parti kelak disokong oleh sekumpulan pemimpin yang ampuh dan padu.
Kata Najib, amanah yang dipikul oleh Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi akan diserahkan kepadanya dalam suasana yang begitu mencabar kepada parti dan negara.
Oleh itu, katanya, tergalas di bahu beliau satu tugas besar bagi meneruskan tanggungjawab mulia UMNO membela untung nasib rakyat.
Justeru, beliau berharap permuafakatan yang terjalin antara tiga sayap parti – Pemuda, Wanita dan Puteri – dapat diteruskan sementara sokongan yang sama turut diberikan oleh ahli-ahli UMNO kepada bakal Timbalan Presiden yang baru kelak.
“Dengan penuh semangat saya yakin bahawa jika kita semua terus bersatu dan berganding bahu, yang berat akan tetap mampu dipikul, yang ringan dapat pula dijinjing bersama menakhoda zaman,” katanya.
Beliau berkata demikian dalam ucapan perasmian serentak Persidangan Perwakilan wanita, Pemuda dan Puteri UMNO 2008 di Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra (PWTC) hari ini.
Ucapan yang fokus kepada peranan Pergerakan Pemuda, Wanita dan Puteri UMNO itu dimulakan dengan menyentuh jatuh bangunnya ahli-ahli ketiga-tiga pergerakan itu untuk berfungsi sebagai nadi perjuangan parti.
Dalam ucapan tersebut, Najib yang juga Timbalan Perdana Menteri mengingatkan dirinya bahawa laluan kepimpinan yang bakal diwaris beliau itu telah dirintis oleh pemuka-pemuka bangsa yang agung.
Beliau menamakan satu persatu tokoh negara bermula dengan Datuk Onn Jaafar, diikuti oleh Tunku Abdul Rahman, seterusnya Tun Abdul Razak Hussein, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad yang disifatkan oleh beliau sebagai amat berbakti kepada negara.
Najib turut melahirkan rasa hiba kerana persidangan kali ini adalah yang terakhir bagi beliau sebagai Timbalan Presiden merasmikan persidangan tiga sayap parti itu selepas lebih 33 tahun bersama.
“Alangkah hiba rasanya malam ini saya berdiri di hadapan saudara-saudari buat kali terakhir sebagai Timbalan Presiden merasmikan persidangan serentak Wanita, Pemuda dan Puteri.
“Saya juga berasa terharu dan tawaduk kerana diri ini diamanahkan dengan kepercayaan padu akar umbi untuk memimpin parti dan seterusnya negara,” katanya.
DRT: Didoakan Perhimpunan UMNO tahun akan memberikan satu barisan pemimpin yang setia, berintegriti, berkebolehan dan berdedikasi serta ampuh dan padu supaya dapat membantu Presiden UMNO yang baru meneruskan perjuangan parti keramat ini. Dengan ini akhirnya masyarakat Melayu bertambah maju , kukuh dan berjaya dalam bidang ekonomi, pendidikan, teknologi dan lain-lain bidang yang strategik untuk masa depan orang Melayu.

UMNO Leaders Want Transformation
KUALA LUMPUR, March 24 (Bernama) -- UUMNO leaders generally want transformation in the party to ensure that it will continue to be relevant as the platform for the Malays in facing current challenges.
Umno vice-president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said: "Party members must realise how important it is for them to implement changes and reforms to ensure that UMNO continues to be relevant among the party members and the people.
"I fully support the call by Najib," he said when commenting on the opening speech by Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak at the simultaneous general assemblies of the UMNO Wanita, Youth and Puteri wings at the Merdeka Hall, Putra World Trade Centre, here tonight.
He said Najib's speech was also the first signs of the measures to be taken by Najib when taking over the party leadership.
Meanwhile, UMNO information head Tan Sri Muhammad Muhamad Taib said Najib's suggestion that the party changed its method of electing its leaders including the quota system was most welcome, "because the quota system is archaic."
"It's also being exploited by certain quarters to gain position," he said.
Umno Supreme Council (MT) member Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal said Najib's emphasis on the need for quality leaders showed that the Umno deputy president wanted the Umno delegates to elect leaders of integrity, high morals and capability to give the best service to the people.
"Only with leaders of such qualities that UMNO can be strengthened to champion the cause of the people," he said.
As for UMNO Youth head Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein, the deputy president's speech tonight was "realistic, firm, and down to earth, and I believe if he is given a line-up of capable leaders, what is aspired can be achieved."
Hishammuddin, who is also a candidate for the vice-presidency, said what was more important was that the newly elected leaders must support Najib's aspiration to make it a reality.
Wanita UMNO chief Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz said she was happy that the party leadership acknowledged the achievements of the movement.
"To me and my friends it is a motivation. To those who do not see them, they don't know. But to Wanita members, they know that we have always been committed.
"We are a grassroots party, not an NGO. If we lose the political power, don't talk about anything else. This is our duty because we are the backbone of the party, and do not divert from our true path," he said.
Wanita executive committee member Datuk Kamilia Ibrahim said Najib had given a new lease of life to the party.
"He creates a path, chart a new direction which will open the mind of UMNO members to map out a new vision for the party and the country," she said.
DRT: UMNO is ready for changes. Changes that must be done to revive it as a lethal political party respected by friends and feared by its enemies. We pray that Dato Seri Najib and the newly elected leadership team will be strong and able to support the new President and PM to bring the necessary reforms to UMNO , BN and Malaysian government to achieve economic, political and social stability. May God bless this great country of ours which is blessed with rich resources and strong pool of human capital.
17 March 2009
Time To Close Ranks, Says Muhammad Taib
SHAH ALAM, March 16 -- Candidates vying for Umno Supreme Council posts and that of the executive committees of the three wings have been urged to unite despite jostling for positions.
Selangor Umno Liaison Committee chairman Tan Sri Muhammad Muhd Taib said the unity was even more important after party elections as Barisan Nasional would be facing three by-elections.
The by-elections will be an acid test to the new line-up as by then Umno had yet to recover from bruising campaigns in party elections, said Muhammad, who is contesting deputy-presidency, at a meeting between the candidates and Selangor delegates here Monday night.
The other deputy president hopefuls, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam were present.
Aspiring vice-presidents present were Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal, Tan Sri Isa Abdul Samad, Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar and Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin. BERNAMA
DRT: This is a good advice. At the end of the day it is about winning the next general elections and governing Malaysia. No point to win party posts and the party losing the elections due to disunity.
16 March 2009
Umum calon terbabit politik wang: Muhammad
"Saya fikir elok diumumkan dalam masa terdekat," katanya kepada pemberita di lobi Parlimen di sini, hari ini.
Beliau diminta mengulas mengenai laporan muka depan
akhbar bahawa terdapat desas-desus yang mengaitkan beberapa calon jawatan tertinggi Umno dipanggil menghadap Lembaga Disiplin parti berhubung kesalahan politik wang.
Muhammad yang juga Menteri Kemajuan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah ketika ditanya mengenai kelewatan Lembaga Disiplin parti mengumumkan individu yang terbabit dengan kesalahan politik wang termasuk mereka yang berprofil tinggi berkata:
"Saya tak mahu campur. Saya harap pengumuman dapat dibuat supaya dapat redakan keadaan (kerana) orang terlampau banyak persoalkan isu ini."
Anggota Majlis Tertinggi Umno, Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar, juga sependapat dengan Muhammad yang mahu ia diumumkan sebelum bermulanya pemilihan parti pada Perhimpunan Agung Umno dari 24 hingga 28 Mac ini.
"Spekulasi itu kita tak tahu siapa. Yang terbaik (ialah) sebelum bermula pertandingan. Kalau dah sampai tahap seminggu dua lagi, ia akan menimbulkan keadaan kelam kabut dan huru-hara yang boleh merosakkan dan mudaratkan parti," katanya kepada pemberita di lobi Parlimen.
Syed Hamid yang juga Menteri Dalam Negeri berkata gejala politik wang tidak seharusnya terus bertunjang di dalam parti kerana ia akan menghilangkan keyakinan rakyat terhadap Umno.
"Oleh itu kita perlu perhalusinya (politik wang) kerana ini boleh membawa parah pada Umno selain boleh hilangkan keyakinan rakyat pada Umno," katanya.
Sementara itu, Timbalan Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Hasan Malek, berharap pihak yang disiasat dan diambil tindakan supaya menerima hakikat dan menghormati apa yang dilaksanakan oleh Lembaga Disiplin Umno.
"Sesiapa yang mengaku dirinya ahli Umno dan menawarkan diri bertanding mereka harus menerima risiko, pada saya kalau cukup bukti sama ada dia 'Harimau besar' atau 'Kancil kecil', jika diambil tindakan kena terimalah dan kita perlu hormati keputusan Lembaga Disiplin. Tapi saya harap tak adalah, " katanya. - Bernama
DRT: Elok juga syor ini. Lembaga Disiplin Umno hendaklah umumkan siapa kah pemimpin atasan yang terlibat dengan politik wang sebelum pertandingan Umno dijalankan. Siapa yang diambil tindakan nanti harus bersedia terima padahnya kerana mereka tahu risiko terlibat dengan politik wang. Lembaga Disiplin perlu bertindak segera dan seeloknya sebelum pemilihan Umno dijalankan.
15 March 2009
Guan Eng Criticised For Sidelining A Media
PENANG, March 14 -- Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng has been criticised for excluding a media from public functions as it run contrary to the principle of competency, accountability and transparency (CAT) philosophy which he had been advocating.
Opposition leader Datuk Azhar Ibrahim said this was against the freedom of the press as Lim was known to have condemned the short-lived ban on reporters from Parliament lobby, the suspension of newspapers and the arrest of a journalist under the ISA.
"But now Lim does not like the media which does not play up the interest of the state government and his party.
"He wants only good news and not when the editorial line is not to his liking," he told reporters after attending the Penang Umno liaison committee chaired by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi here today.
Azhar was commenting on Lim's outburst on an opinion piece in an English daily recently.
"I am dumbfounded over Lim's principle selection of the media to cover his functions. He should ignore the criticism if what he is doing is right," said Azhar.BERNAMA
DR: Guan Eng must walk the talk. Cakap mesti serupa bikin. If he really believes in the freedom of the press he should not be afraid by any criticism. And he shouldnot be selective in any press covering his acitivities. Otherwise people will condemn him of political hypcracy.
12 March 2009
PM: No discussion with Anwar
KOTA KINABALU: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has dismissed speculation that he had held talks with Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim at a Maulidur Rasul event in Selangor on Tuesday.
“There was no discussion between me and Anwar. There is nothing more about it,” he said when asked to comment on reports of his meeting with Anwar.
Abdullah told this to reporters here on Wednesday after visiting the Sepangar naval base.
He added that he was invited by well-known Ustaz Sheikh Mahmud Al-Mazjub to celebrate Malulidur Rasul as well as to mark the ending of a 40-year spiritual development of the Uztaz.
“I was having lunch with Sheikh Mahmud, when Anwar came. We listened as Sheikh Mahmud talked during the lunch,” he said, in dismissing the speculation of bloggers about the political implications to the transition of power to Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak following the unexpected ‘meeting’.
“Sheikh Mahmud brought up various matters, and Anwar and I listened to him. There was no discussion between us (Anwar and Abdullah),” Abdullah said.
Asked if a date had been set for the transition of power from him to his deputy Najib, Abdullah replied: “I will be making a formal announcement soon. Najib and I discuss various issues whenever we meet.”
Asked if he had a date in mind for the transition of power, Abdullah replied: “Of course there must be a date.”
On the absence of many Opposition MPs from Parliament, when Najib was tabling the mini-budget on Tuesday, Abdullah said the Opposition was more interested in political play acting.
“The people are fed up with politics, and want the economy strengthened so that the country can withstand the global financial crisis,” he said.
Meanwhile, Anwar said on Wednesday the ‘lunch meeting’ with Abdullah was merely a “coincidence.”The Star
11 March 2009
Salient Points In Mini Budget
Prime Minister Najib Razak today:
GDP growth is expected to be in the range of -1% to 1% for 2009. Without the
two stimulus packages, the economy faces the prospect of a deep recession.
RM60 billion stimulus package - RM15 billion is fiscal injection, RM25
billion Guarantee Funds, RM10 billion equity investments, RM7 billion
private finance initiative (PFI) and off-budget projects, as well as RM3
billion in tax incentives.
According to the government, the deficit can be financed from domestic
sources. The financing of the deficit will not crowd out the private sector
in sourcing funds.
The RM60 billion is allocated to achieve four aims:
1. Reducing unemployment, increasing employment - RM2 billion
2. Easing the burden of the rakyat, especially vulnerable groups - RM10
3. Assisting the private sector - RM29 billion
4. Building capacity for the future - RM19 billion
RM2 bil to reduce unemployment, increase employment
To create a total of 163,000 training and job placement opportunities in the
public and private sectors
To establish 22 JobsMalaysia Centres and upgrade 109 existing centres to
facilitate access for workers and employers to obtain job placements, career
counselling and information on training opportunities
Employers who employ workers retrenched from July 1 2008 be given double tax
deduction on the amount of remuneration paid.
Government to recruit 63,000 staff to fill vacancies and serve as contract
officers in various government agencies
To encourage more Malaysians to pursue Masters and PhD by financing tuition
fees and research grants up to RM20,000 for student pursuing PhDs locally
and RM10,000 for those taking Masters programme
Levy on foreign workers will be doubled for all sectors except construction,
plantation and for domestic maids; the levy will be paid by the employers
and not by the workers.]
RM10 bil to ease the burden of the rakyat
To assist oil palm and rubber smallholders whose incomes have been affected
due to declining commodity prices.
RM674 million in subsidies to be allocated to avert price increases of
necessities, such as sugar, bread and wheat flour.
To provide RM480 million to ensure that toll rates are not increased. With
these above measures, the government will allocate a sum of RM27.9 billion
for subsidies in 2009.
House buyers be given tax relief on interest paid on housing loans up to
RM10,000 a year for three years.
RM200 million to repair and maintain drains and roads.
RM150 million for renovation, maintenance and repairs of welfare homes, fire
and rescue stations and quarters, as well as public toilets in mosques,
surau and tourist spots.
RM1.95 billion to build and improve facilities in 752 schools, particularly
in rural areas as well as Sabah and Sarawak, with RM300 million to be used
to improve facilities in government-aided religious schools, national-type
Chinese and Tamil schools as well as mission schools.
RM230 million will be provided to increase the coverage of electricity and
water supply in rural areas, particularly in Sabah and Sarawak.
RM350 million will be provided for the construction of rural roads.
RM1.2 billion to be allocated in Sarawak and Sabah. This include the
expansion of Sibu Airport, deepening works at Miri Port, repair and improve
infrastructure damaged by floods, upgrading of schools as well as
construction of Lawas Training Centre, Kota Samarahan Industrial Estate and
tourism facilities.
In Sabah, among the main programmes and projects to be implemented include
building of Giat Mara centres, Kota Kinabalu Electricity Transmission
System, as well as upgrading of schools, roads and bridges. The government
to take action to resolve issues related to health services in Queen
Elizabeth Hospital, Sabah.
Existing tax exemption of RM6,000 given on retrenchment benefits be
increased to RM10,000 for each completed year of service. Banks to allow
retrenched workers defer the repayment of their housing loans for one year.
RM29 bil to assist the private sector
RM5 billion to provide working capital to companies with shareholder equity
below RM20 million. The government to provide guarantee in the ratio of
80:20, that is 80% will be guaranteed by the government and 20% by the
financial institutions.
To set up an Industry Restructuring Guarantee Fund Scheme totalling RM5
billion for loans to increase productivity and value-added activities, as
well as the application of green technology.
Securities Commission to implement additional measures to reduce
time-to-market to enable companies to raise funds in the capital market in a
more efficient and cost-effective manner including doing away with approvals
for rights issues by listed companies.
A new programme where permanent resident status would be considered for
high-net-worth individuals bringing more than US$2 million for investments
or savings in Malaysia.
RM5,000 discount to be given to car owners, who trade in their cars which
are at least 10 years old, for the purchase of new Proton and Perodua cars.
RM2 billion for a new LCCT at Kuala Lumpur International Airport, which is
expected to be ready in 2011.
A rebate of 50% on landing charges will be given for a period of two years
effective 1 April 2009 to all airlines that operate from Malaysia. Likely to
result in lower air fares.
Company's current year losses be allowed to be carried back to the immediate
preceding year.
An Accelerated Capital Allowance to encourage companies to renovate and
refurbish their business premises. The allowance is capped at RM100,000.
RM200 million to upgrade infrastructure in tourist spots, diversify tourism
products, organise more international conferences and exhibitions in
Malaysia as well as improve the homestay programme.
RM19 bil to build capacity for the future
To promote domestic private investments, the investment funds of Khazanah
Nasional Berhad will be increased by RM10 billion.
Khazanah to invest RM3 billion in the telecommunications sector, which among
others, will facilitate its subsidiary to improve broadband infrastructure.
RM1.7 billion of Khazanah's investment to go into Iskandar project for the
building of infrastructure, hotels, theme parks as well as universities.
RM5 billion for 23 projects implemented on off-budget basis, including LCCT
at KLIA and the expansion of Pulau Pinang Airport at an estimated cost of
RM2 billion and RM250 million.
RM2.4 billion for the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission to
improve telecommunication infrastructure.
RM100 million to build sky bridges and covered walkways between buildings,
especially in the Golden Triangle, Kuala Lumpur.
RM2 billion for private finance initiative (PFI) and public-private
RM20 million for Radio Televisyen Malaysia to implement several projects to
develop the local music industry.
All government procurements will be made through open tenders or restricted
tenders, except for specific cases.
Posted by fudzail at 3:10 PM
DR: It is our hope that Najib's stimulus package will ride us over the looming world recession. And bring back prosperity to the country in the immediate future.
9 March 2009
No Malice Intended ?
DR : Karpal should be more carefull with his words being an old man and has been very long on the political scene.
By saying that 'Singh is King' he should be charged for sedition as he is disrespectful of the Malay Rulers.
In India maybe a Singh is King because the PM is a Sikh but in Malaysia the Sikh forms only a minute minority of inconsequent.
8 March 2009
Najib: Do not reject blindly
By Mazwin Nik Anis
PUTRAJAYA: Do not be “overly obsessed” with protecting Bahasa Melayu that we overlook or reject some aspects of foreign civilisations which are good for Malaysia, said Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
“Foreign elements” which helped to enrich knowledge, enhance technology and even the local culture should not be pushed aside, he said.
“One has to be rational in choosing and determining what is good and beneficial and not reject globalisation and changes outright.
“While language reflects a race, the ability to speak, read and write in other languages must not be seen as an erosion of one’s intelligence and identity.
“In Malaysia, knowing another language does not mean Bahasa Melayu will be weak and meaningless,” he said at the International Malay Oratory Competition Finals 2009 last night.
Najib stressed that despite the language being relatively young in terms of terminology in science and technology compared to English, it did not mean Bahasa Melayu has been set aside.
He gave the assurance that the Government will continue to be committed in enhancing the importance of the Malay language.
“We will continue to uphold Bahasa Melayu as the premier language of this country.
“Even though we allow room for the English language to exist in the country’s education system, Bahasa Melayu will continue to be the official language of this system,” he said.
Noting that information technology has allowed Bahasa Melayu to exist in cyberspace and gave others the opportunity to learn it, Najib said language experts should use the k-economy to gain knowledge.
“Malaysia’s role in the Organisation of Islamic Conference and the Non-Aligned Movement must be used to the fullest to introduce Bahasa Melayu to institutions of higher learning of member countries.
“This could be the country’s valuable export as along with the language, comes other knowledge and fields of expertise,” he said.The Star
DR: It is worth pondering what Najid said. It will benefit the Malays if they can master English which the language of knowledge. Even the internet usage of English is widespread. Rationality is very important in tackling this issue. It is not that I do not appreciate Bahasa Melayu but we have to be pragmatic for the survival of the Malays in the future.
7 March 2009
Flip-flop by the DAP
PENANG, March 7 (Bernama) -- Penang DAP has cancelled its 'Buy Rocket to Help the Hardcore Poor' programme that was launched two days ago to help the state government eradicate hardcore poverty in the state.
The party's state publicity secretary, Ng Wei Aik, in a statement today said this was due to criticisms from various quarters.
Ng had announced the programme last Thursday whereby the poor would buy the party's paper 'The Rocket' at RM1 and sell it at RM2.
The move was strongly condemned by several quarters including by Penang Umno state liaison committee secretary, Datuk Azhar Ibrahim, who said the move was not honourable and was disgusting.
DR: I am amuse to read this news item. The opposition has been complaining that government make the flip-flop decisions. An example is toll increase decison. To me if the government change the decision for the better , why not ? Now in this instance it is the DAP which flip-floped. In all wisdom if we feel we have made a wrong decision then the best thing to do is to change the ridiculous decision.
Sultan of Selangor Slams Parties Who Questioned Position of Malays and Malay Rulers
Petaling Jaya: Sultan of Selangor slams parties who questioned the position of the Malays and Malay Rulers
He also critised rude segments of Malays who are willing to fight and destroy their own unity and the state to gain power.
He said this when opening the Sultan Abdul Aziz mosque at Jalan Templer here today.
RT: It is high time certain parties like DAP and PKR to stop questioning the position of the Malays and Malay Rulers. These are entrenched in the Federal Constitution. It is also worth to take note of the Sultan's advice that the Malays maintain their unity. Otherwise whilst they are fighting each other , other parties will take over and rule the country.
5 March 2009
Taib Azemuddin Jelas Penggunaan Nama Allah
KUALA LUMPUR, 5 Mac (Bernama) -- Dewan Rakyat Khamis diberitahu bahawa nama Allah berdasarkan kepercayaan (tauhid) orang Islam tidak boleh digunakan oleh bukan Islam.
Taib Azamudden Mat Taib (PAS-Baling) berkata ini kerana Allah yang dimaksudkan oleh agama lain adalah berbeza dengan Allah yang dimaksudkan oleh Islam.
Taib Azamudden, yang juga bekas Imam Besar Masjid Negara berkata demikian setelah Timbalan Speaker Dewan Rakyat Datuk Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar dan Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi meminta beliau memberi penjelasan mengenai isu penggunaan nama Allah, yang agak hangat dibincangkan oleh beberapa anggota Dewan Khamis.
Ahmad Zahid, yang ketika itu menggulung perbahasan usul ucapan terima kasih titah ucapan diraja, kemudian berkata penjelasan oleh anggota Parlimen Baling itu selari dengan pegangan kerajaan, Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim) dan Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan.
Terdahulu ketika membincangkan isu itu, Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad (PAS-Kuala Selangor) dan Khalid Samad (PAS-Shah Alam) memberi pendapat yang berbeza.
Dr Dzulkefly dalam hujahnya berkata persoalan mengenai penggunaan nama Allah tidak harus timbul kerana telah diakui dalam al-Quran bahawa kalimah Allah turut digunakan oleh bukan Islam.
Khalid pula menyokong pandangan Dzulkefly dengan membaca sepotong lagi ayat al-Quran yang menunjukkan orang bukan Islam mengakui bumi ini diciptakan Allah.
RT: Jelas ada kalangan pemimpun Pas ingin menyokong penggunan nama Allah oleh bukan Islam untuk tujuan politik jangka pendek mereka.
Ini nampak ada percanggahanpercanggah pendapat antara wakil rakyat Pas mengenai isu ini.
Taib Azemuddin (bekas Imam Besar Mesjid Negara) (Pas Baling) memberi penjelasan bahwa nama Allah berdasarkan tauhid Islam tidak boleh digunakan oleh bukan Islam. Ini adalah selari dengan pegangan kerajaan, Jakim, dan Majlis Fatwa.
Sementara Dr Dzulkifli (Pas Kuala Selangor) dan Khalid (Pas Shah Alam) dan terdahulu Nik Aziz MB Kelantan berpendapat ia di bolehkan.
Kita berharap Nik Aziz, dan setengh pemimpin Pas tidak menggunakan isu nama Allah untuk tujuan politik. Ia jelas bertentangan dengan keputusan Jakim dan Majlis Fatwa.
Yang rugi nanti ialah pertubuhan Kristian akan menggunakan nama Allah untuk Jesus untuk menyesat dan memurtadkankan muda-muda Islam nanti.
Sanggupkah pemimpin Pas ini membuka ruang kepada mubaligh Kristian dan sterusnya menanggung dosa membantu orang Islam menjadi murtad angkara tindak tanduk mereka yang berfikiran politik jangaka pendek.
Diharap pemimpin Pas ini akan muhasabah diri. Masih belum tersebut. Nasi belum jadi bubur.
Physical Inactivity Due To Arthritis Impacts Management of Heart Disease

A similar report was issued last year with regard to arthritis and diabetes. While patients with both conditions benefit from regular physical activity, arthritis often causes people to become more sedentary. It's important for you to realize that regular physical activity is essential to managing arthritis and its comorbid conditions. Don't ignore the significance of these findings by thinking you can't exercise or be more physically active because of arthritis pain. You can -- at a level that is safe for you. Discuss your physical limitations and desire for more regular physical activity with your doctor. If you need more guidance, ask for a referral to consult with a physical therapist. You should also call your local chapter of the Arthritis Foundation to learn more about programs they offer.
4 March 2009
Orang Asli Jakun usahawan minyak gaharu
Oleh Kamarul Irwan Alias
MUADZAM SHAH, 3 Mac -- Bermula dengan hanya mencari kayu gaharu di hutan, Kamahudin Ang Sew Siang, Orang Asli dari suku kaum Jakun dari Rancangan Penempatan Semula (RPS) Kedaik dekat sini, kini menguruskan syarikat pengeluar minyak gaharu berdaftar pertama di negara ini.
Kamahudin, 45, Pengarah Kedaik Agarwood Sdn Bhd, boleh berbangga kerana usaha beliau itu bukan hanya mampu meningkatkan pendapatan, malah menjadikan tradisi mencari hasil hutan masyarakat Orang Asli sebagai satu bidang komersil.
Manakan tidak, minyak gaharu yang mendapat permintaan tinggi di pasaran terutama daripada negara timur tengah, Taiwan dan China bagi pembuatan minyak wangi dan produk kesihatan mampu dijual sehingga mencecah harga RM100,000 sekilogram bergantung kepada kualitinya.
Ia jauh berbeza berbanding penjualan kayu gaharu tidak diproses yang mempunyai harga pasaran sehingga RM10,000 bagi kayu berkualiti tinggi.
Kamahudin berkata, berdasarkan pengalamannya yang sering ke hutan bersama-sama penduduk Orang Asli lain sejak 20 tahun lepas, mereka hanya mencari kayu gaharu yang berkualiti tinggi untuk dijual iaitu dari gred A.
Beliau yang berpendidikan sekolah menengah berkata walaupun harga bagi kayu gaharu tidak diproses itu boleh membawa pulangan lumayan kepada penduduk Orang Asli, namun ia agak sukar ditemui.
Bapa kepada enam anak berumur enam hingga 20 tahun itu berkata, kesukaran memperoleh gaharu berkenaan menyebabkannya beralih arah mendalami bidang pembinaan sebelum memperoleh lesen kontraktor kelas F.
"Bagaimanapun lawatan saya bersama Jawatankuasa Keselamatan dan Kemajuan Kampung (JKKK) Kedaik anjuran Pejabat Anggota Parlimen Rompin pada 29 Julai 2006 ke agensi-agensi di bawah Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi (MOSTI) di Kuala Lumpur telah membuka mata saya terhadap potensi sebenar kayu gaharu", katanya kepada Bernama di sini.
Kamahudin, yang juga Pengerusi JKKK Kedaik berkata, pertemuannya dengan Ketua Pengarah Agensi Nuklear Malaysia, Datuk Dr Daud Mohamad pada satu majlis makan malam telah merintis kepada pembukaan kilang pengeluaran minyak gaharu syarikat berkenaan.
Katanya, setelah mengikuti kursus selama setahun, kilang yang dibangunkan di tapak seluas 0.44 hektar (satu ekar) melalui Dana Inovasi Komuniti (CIF) MOSTI berjumlah RM500,000 kepada JKKK Kedaik itu mula beroperasi pada 8 Ogos tahun lepas.
"Pada hari itu jugalah titisan pertama minyak gaharu diperoleh dan ia telah diserahkan kepada Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi sebagai cenderahati ketika saya mengunjungi bangunan Parlimen pada 10 Dis lepas", katanya.
Beliau berkata, proses penghasilan minyak gaharu itu mampu memberi banyak manfaat kepada masyarakat Orang Asli di seluruh negara kerana mereka tidak lagi perlu bergantung kepada pencarian gaharu berkualiti tinggi semata-mata.
Katanya, kilangnya turut memungut kayu gaharu sehingga gred D pada harga bawah RM10 sekilogram daripada masyarakat Orang Asli.
"Kita bukan hanya memperoleh bekalan daripada hutan sekitar Rompin, malahan Johor, Negeri Sembilan dan Perak sebelum ia dipotong menjadi cebisan kecil oleh golongan ibu yang secara tidak langsung mendapat pendapatan tambahan", katanya.
Kemudian katanya, kayu berkenaan akan dijemur antara tiga hingga empat hari sebelum dikisar dan diperam dalam tempoh lima hari hingga dua minggu.
Kamahudin berkata, ia kemudian akan menjalani proses pemanasan di dalam 20 relau yang setiap satunya mampu menghasilkan sehingga 20 gram minyak gaharu yang akan dikutip setiap dua hari.
Pada masa ini katanya, kilang dengan tujuh pekerja tetap itu telah menghasilkan lebih 6 kg minyak gaharu pelbagai gred bernilai kira-kira RM400,000 dengan kebanyakan hasil kilang berkenaan dijual di pasaran tempatan melalui kerjasama bersama sebuah syarikat swasta.
Selain itu katanya, beberapa ahli perniagaan negara timur tengah khususnya dari Oman dan Kuwait telah menunjukkan minat terhadap produknya.
Malah Kamahudin berkata, hasil buangan daripada proses berkenaan juga mempunyai nilai tersendiri apabila ia boleh digunakan untuk pembuatan colok dan setanggi.
Air yang digunakan ketika proses pemanasan juga boleh digunakan untuk tujuan mandi spa, katanya.
Sehubungan itu, beliau merancang untuk mengembangkan bidang terbabit khususnya dari segi pengeluaran dan pengekalan sumber pokok gaharu melalui tanaman secara komersil.
Katanya, penggunaan berterusan sumber hutan bukan hanya menjejaskan alam sekitar malah mampu menyebabkan kepupusan pokok gaharu.
Sementara itu, salah seorang ahli lembaga pengarah yang juga penyelia di syarikat berkenaan, Mat Chantek, 46, berkata kehidupannya kini telah berubah secara mendadak kerana tidak lagi bergantung pada pekerjaan tradisi.
Beliau yang dahulunya mencari ikan dan kayu gaharu sebagai punca pendapatan kini telah menceburi bidang perniagaan.
"Kalau dulu kita masuk hutan sampai dua minggu, kalau tidak dapat gaharu berkualiti, kita terpaksa berhutang dengan taukeh (peraih), lepas rehat seminggu, kita masuk hutan balik", katanya.
Mat, yang digelar "doktor" oleh rakan-rakannya sebagai gurauan berikutan tugasnya yang bertanggungjawab mengasingkan minyak gaharu dari air sebagai proses akhir bagi menghasilkan minyak gaharu bermutu bak seorang saintis, berharap masyarakat Orang Asli akan mengubah cara hidup mereka dan merebut peluang yang ada bagi meningkatkan taraf hidup.
"Peluang (pasaran) sudah ada, mereka boleh mengusahakan tanaman gaharu di belakang rumah mereka sekaligus menjana pendapatan", katanya.
2 March 2009
Mohon perintah isytihar keputusan Sivakumar menyalahi undang-undang
IPOH 2 Mac – Barisan Nasional (BN) Perak hari ini memohon Mahkamah Tinggi di sini mengeluarkan deklarasi pengisytiharan keputusan Speaker Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN), V. Sivakumar menggantung dan melarang Menteri Besar, Datuk Dr. Zambry Abd. Kadir dan exconya daripada menghadiri sidang DUN tergempar esok adalah menyalahi Undang-undang Tubuh negeri Perak. - Utusan
RT: Inilah masaalahnya bila Sivakumar membuat keputusan mengenai hal yang diluar bidang kuasanya. Diharap mahkamah akan mengembalikan semula Keutuhan Perlembagaan Negeri Perak dan kuasa Sultan Perak melantik Menteri Besar baru bila Baginda telah puas hati yang bekas MB Pakatan Rakyat yang terdahulu itu tidak lagi mempunya suara majoriti di DUN Perak.PM calls on Muslim countries to invest in Agriculture
By Mohd Nasir Yusoff
JAKARTA, March 2 -- Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, noting that the largest number among the 15 per cent of the world's undernourished population are Muslims, has urged Muslim countries to invest in the development of agriculture and food industry.
The Malaysian prime minister told public and private sector leaders at the World Islamic Economic Forum (WIEF) here on Monday that the growing number of undernourished people could no longer be ignored.
Quoting statistics, he said, the number of undernourished people had increased from 842 million in 1990 to 963 million in 2008, with 160 million were living on an income of less than 50 cents a day.
"The financial crisis has further eroded the purchasing power of the poor who spend 50 per cent to 70 per cent of their income on food," he said.
He noted that growth in agricultural productivity had been stagnating due to under investment in agricultural technology and rural development, and that global cereal production had plummeted since 2000, jeopardised further by the increasing volatility in climate.
He warned that if the trend continued, the Muslim world would not be able to feed its growing population in the near future.
RT : Food is a strategic commodity. Even industrialised countries like Japan still have padi lands even though it is a net importer of rice. As the population grows we need more food. If we are to defend on importation of food as our source we would be vulnerable. As such Malaysia and other Muslim countries need to solve this by introducing modern technology in their agricultural sector.