SEPT 18 - You got to hand it to Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
Two days after he missed his self-imposed deadline of forcing the collapse of the Abdullah administration through the cross over of Barisan Nasional MPs and seemed in danger of swapping credibility for ridicule, he has managed to put the government on the defensive. And probably buy himself some more time.
Today, he challenged Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi to convene an emergency Parliament sitting before Sept 23 so that a motion of no-confidence can be tabled against the Prime Minister.
"We have the numbers. If he wants the details and doesn't believe me, then convene the emergency sitting. The numbers are increasing by the hour. But as of now, it is in excess of 31 MPs. This is not empty talk," Anwar said during a press conference today, adding that Abdullah has no choice but to negotiate with Pakatan Rakyat.
This is the first time since Independence that a sitting PM is being asked to convene a special Parliament session to have a motion of no-confidence tabled against him.
Anwar knows that Abdullah will not take the bait and will probably tell the Opposition leader to be patient and wait for Oct 13 when the House reconvenes.
This answer will:
# GIVE him the time he needs to work the ground and try and persuade some MPs to abandon BN for Pakatan Rakyat. Anwar has been meeting professionals, businessmen, a few former MPs and even members of some prominent Umno families in the past week asking them to join Parti Keadilan Rakyat. He has told a few of them that he has the numbers but was unwilling to share any names of the BN crossovers with them. Some of them have left the meetings - which have taken place at his home in Segambut or at the home of mutual friends - convinced that he does not have 31 BN MPs in his pocket. Others have been willing to give him the benefit of doubt.
# ALLOW him to portray the Abdullah administration as cowardly and unwilling to follow democratic practices. He said as much today noting that any delay to the request for an emergency Parliament session would be seen "as nothing short of a further sabotage of the democratic process and abuse of executive power."
# KEEP alive the prospect of the mass crossover and collapse of the Barisan Nasional. Sure, some seeds of doubt have taken root in the minds of people since the Sept 16 deadline came and went. But in a country where hope in the government is a fast fading commodity, the public still want to believe that Anwar - who has fashioned himself as the saviour of the country can deliver on a promise.
The Opposition icon knows that failure to deliver 31 MPs and oust Abdullah and BN out of Parliament will hurt him in the court of public opinion. His latest challenge to Abdullah suggests that he needs more time to get the numbers.
written by Anonymous Comment, September 18, 2008
written by Bala Pillai, September 18, 2008
Put yourself in his shoes, would you do any different, knowing the risks you have if you show your cards too early? Risks of harassment, ISA arrests etc.
You really think that in these circumstances, i.e. an attempted change of ruling party for the first time in Malaysia's history, one can have a hard and fast deadline?
Come on guys!
written by Huang Siew Hock, September 18, 2008
It has compouned Malaysian problems, with the political impasse engineered by Pakatan Rakyat presumably having the majority of MPs . True or false, the confidence could be tested in Parliament. Whether the PM would bite the bullet or not, we do not know. Asking the Opposition leader to name names is just like asking a poker player to show his card! The player is unlikely to show his hand, for here they are playing high stakes. If the PM loses, he leaves. If Anwar loses, then he has to fight another day, with his credibility index plummetting like the share index!
So, an impasse is created. Yesterday, the PM and the dPM swapped Ministerial positions, the former taking over Defence and the latter taking over Finance. Why this sudden reshuffle? Is something on?
To break this impasse, why not go to Parliament and thrash it, once and for all? Then Anwar has to show his card! Even if he has the numbers, will the defectors support him or back out? It is risky business. But he has no choice: his credibility is at stake! Now, the PM's position is also uncertain; and hence may not want to call Parliamnet. So, to PROVE that his challenger is " BLUFFING", put it to the test! There is no point saying Anwar is a " liar." Show that he is a liar! What better place than Parliament to prove your point?
So, PM, go to Parliament; and settle this issue amicably.
S.H. Huang
written by Anonymous, September 18, 2008
written by Peter, September 18, 2008
written by Abdullah, September 18, 2008
1. Anwar holds a constitutiona office: Malaysia's Official Opposition Leader which represents the other side. What makes Abdullah fail to meet him? What does he fear? And if Anwar meets Abdullah and fails to show the list, wouldn't that help Abdullah more than Anwar? What makes Abdullah fail in taking this golden opportunity?
2. Abdullah said Anwar is a "liar" and even couldn't understand the diplomatic language used in writing such letters, (He must the be the certified slow learner Dr. Bakri Musa talks of always), and refused to honour the appeal for a meeting. Then, why do you need to spin pathetically the challenge that he (Abdullah) should then call for an urgent meeting and solve the impasse? Abdullah refused to meet Malaysia's Official Opposition Leader; Abdullah was challenged for a Parliamentary duel, then you go on the rampage with poor spin. Surely, must you descend to such level and whom do you think you are addressing? The ball is in Abdullah's court more than it is in Anwar's court and it is Abdullah would have benefited from both challenges had he played his game well.
3. What do you want Anwar to do? Parade BN MPs and say "here they are"? Are you a caveman or what? You think the man is a naive or what? You think Malaysians don't know they system and the desperation of a leadership that detains women in the Holy Month of Ramadhan or what? Spinning is what has hurt Dollah in March 08 and it seems his pussyfooters don't get it. Sir, look at both sides and provide us with clear cut analysis that doesn't "belittle" the readers.
written by goldenscreen, September 18, 2008
Look at the global economy. 2 decades of following the dogma of the Washington Consensus of free trade, the market knows best, non-existent government intervention has led to the biggest crises in world capitalism since the Great Depression. What I've come to realise is that these so-called economic experts and political experts are as much in the dark as normal citizens.
written by kz, September 18, 2008
Regarding the Sept 23 deadline, I personally feel that Anwar just doesn't want BN to have time on their side to influence all above mentioned MPs from defecting before Parliament reconvenes. If, according to Abdullah...the first letter sent to Putrajaya did not request for a meeting, don't you think that he would have shoved the letter down our throats and called Anwar a liar on the frontpage of EVERY Malaysian newspaper?
I'm just wondering...what exactly are you trying to "analyze"? It seems to me like you left out a lot of points and factors that should have been considered.
written by Lex, September 18, 2008
written by SK, September 18, 2008
Even if someone thinking that this is just a "wayang kulit" show, the Play Master must have been playing it very well and convincing. I believe it is not a question of "if" this will happen, but more of a timing of "when" this is going to happen.
I am very sure many Malaysian shared the same view.
written by Lim Kok Chiang, September 18, 2008
What lah u!!!
written by kh, September 18, 2008
written by maf, September 18, 2008
At the same time, Gordon Brown is facing an internal revolt from his own party members. However, in this democracy, you don't see the opposition asking for Brown to step down, nor asking Labour party member to hop across to the Tories. There will be a Labour party convention soon, which could possibly decide Brown's fate.
In honest truth, I can't see much difference between Brown and Abdullah - flagging economy, record unemployment, high inflation, internal revolt, and flip-floppers. But the way the two democracy are treated are totally different, with one being more civilised than the other.
I think Anwar is playing a game, and it is not a game that we should be playing. These 'defecting' MPs are the same hated MPs who 'supposedly' pillaged and plundered under BN, corrupted to the bone. This are people that the opposition are hoping to support them in the govt? It's much better to ask these 'hoppers' to resign, and new elections to be held - unless they can't be asked to lose their MP status, which is more important than the people!
And to think that Anwar can't publish a list because of ISA threat is a joke. This is 2008, where the arrest of 3 people under ISA had caused public uproar & and a minister to resign. Arresting 31 people would throw the govt out immediately. What Anwar doesn't want is a tit-for-tat on the list, where he will be cajoled to renegotiate with each of them as BN will on the other hand try to 'fish back' these MPs as well. The question is can these MPs be trusted? Or would they jump back to BN once Abdullah steps down??
written by Andy, September 18, 2008
Whatever it is, Abdullah challenged Anwar and now Anwar challenged back to Abdullah. If Abdullah really got guts, then he could just take up the challenge.
If this analysis can accuse Anwar is buying time, another analysis can also accuse Abdullah is buying time too.
written by michael, September 18, 2008
written by Damocles, September 18, 2008
If he has them, then the BN government will tumble faster, good for the people.
If he doesn't have them, then the fall of the government may be delayed.
For sure, this government will go, sooner rather than later because everything is against its continuing.
Also, don't forget that Anwar is our best hope for a new future; a new beginning.
So, give him all the support he needs.
written by Billy, September 18, 2008
written by Indy, September 19, 2008
written by one sen, September 19, 2008
let us say that anwar today has the verbal support 1,000 MPs. these 1,000 MPs would probably tell anwar go get an emergency parliamentary session and we will show our support for you.
but during that parliamentary session, no one from the 1,000MPs is going to volunteer raising his/her hands to support anwar first, lest the other 999 backout the last minute, then that one MP that supports anwar will be in hot soup.
everyone in the parliament is going to wait for the others to raise their hands before they do so, as thisis in their best interest. everyone will think that if there is going to be wave of change, what is the difference if 999 MPS voted or 1,000MPS voted or what is so wrong to raise your hand to support anwar after the other 999MPs have done so. Nothing wrong , as you are acting in the best of your interest.
this is the reason why till now no MP has come out to support anwar yet. even though they want to support him or have pledged support for him, they are waiting for others to come out first, as they do not want to be the odd one, sticking out like a sore thumb by the end of the day.
this is the reason why drastic social and political and economic changes in history are often not brought about by idealism.....changes are brought about by politics of economics...when people go out of work and are hungry...bread and butter issues spur changes, not idealism or reformasi---sorry to say.
written by simon li, September 19, 2008
To the nameless fella hiding behind the word "analysis", I say no wonder even Che Det thinks you are an idiot. if you want to spin, don't be a clown and spin to yourself in front of a circus mirror. Your face will look like your posterior and vice versa.
Print this if you dare. It has already appeared in countless blogs.
written by Kah Seng, September 19, 2008
This reminds me of the time when pro-BN articles keep harping on Anwar's "abuse" of prison privileges by trying to get his spine fixed overseas, instead of trusting local hospitals under Bukit Aman security.
written by Shafer, September 19, 2008
if you cant stomach a fair analysis (from an alternative news site) that for once, doesnt hit out at the government, you know what to type in the URL bar ;)
written by malaysian, September 19, 2008
written by Concerned Mal, September 19, 2008
written by Tail Wags Dog, September 19, 2008
written by Hwa Shi-Hsia, September 19, 2008
Just because you support a cause doesn't mean it's perfect - nobody and nothing on earth is. Raja Petra (before his arrest) spent quite a lot of words to criticize the Opposition leaders in his articles from time to time, other people cannot kritik ah? Stop foaming at the mouth. Like Shafer said, go somewhere else if you think this site is run by UMNO cybertroopers.
written by Lex, September 19, 2008
written by Jeremiah Mahadevan, September 19, 2008
Hwa Shi-Hsia, I could not agree more. And I am wary of anyone, be they BN supporters or PR supporters, who behaves in this slavish and unthinking manner. Even worse, some betray even a basic understanding of journalism - if "an analysis without a byline is irresponsible", then explain the Economist. Truth be told, it is the unbiased quality of the analysis that many cannot handle, because a lot of you are mere partisan zealots and sheep. Dogmatists dressed up as liberals. And you get what you deserve from whichever of these gangs - be it Badawi's or Anwar's - you may have pledged to blindly follow.
written by ho, September 19, 2008